Bristol Myers pushes back ‘peak’ for new product sales, citing challenging uptake for Sotyktu, Camzyos

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb is fac­ing sev­er­al ques­tions about its mid-term fu­ture af­ter it de­layed sales pro­jec­tions for its new prod­uct port­fo­lio, which in­cludes Re­blozyl and Abec­ma.

The Big Phar­ma com­pa­ny said Thurs­day in its third-quar­ter fi­nan­cial re­sults that it now ex­pects to achieve “at least $10 bil­lion” in sales from these drugs in 2026. Bris­tol My­ers pre­vi­ous­ly fore­cast $10 bil­lion to $13 bil­lion in sales of these ther­a­pies in 2025. The de­lay comes as CEO Gio­van­ni Caforio pre­pares to step down and hand the reins to cur­rent COO Chris Boern­er on Nov. 1.

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