Bristol Myers scores accelerated approval in more blood cancers for CAR-T therapy Breyanzi

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb is bring­ing its CAR-T cell ther­a­py to adults with re­lapsed or re­frac­to­ry chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia or small lym­pho­cyt­ic lym­phoma, thanks to an ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval from the FDA on Thurs­day.

The one-time in­fu­sion, mar­ket­ed as Breyanzi, is al­ready ap­proved in the US, Japan and Eu­rope for the sec­ond-line treat­ment of re­lapsed or re­frac­to­ry large B-cell lym­phoma, and in Japan, Eu­rope and Cana­da for re­lapsed and re­frac­to­ry large B-cell lym­phoma in the third-line set­ting. This lat­est ex­pan­sion is for pa­tients who have re­ceived at least two pri­or lines of ther­a­py.

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