Bruker to acquire troubled spatial biology company NanoString for $392M

A com­pa­ny at the cen­ter of one of the hottest tech­nolo­gies in life sci­ence re­search, and one of the most vi­cious patent bat­tles among mak­ers of lab in­stru­ments, has closed a chap­ter.

NanoS­tring Tech­nolo­gies, a Seat­tle-based com­pa­ny that makes ma­chines for pars­ing how RNA and pro­teins vary across cells — an ap­proach known as spa­tial bi­ol­o­gy — will be ac­quired for $392.6 mil­lion by the sci­en­tif­ic in­stru­ment com­pa­ny Bruk­er. It filed for bank­rupt­cy in Feb­ru­ary.

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