Can the Barbie movie’s spotlight on women’s issues spill over to pharma marketing and healthcare? Agency says yes

It’s a Bar­bie world late­ly, but could the pop­u­lar­i­ty of the sum­mer block­buster movie trans­late to re­al par­i­ty for women in ar­eas like health­care and phar­ma ad­ver­tis­ing? Af­ter all, (mi­nor spoil­er alert) the end­ing does con­nect to women’s health.

Un­like the many pink-hued mar­ket­ing and li­cens­ing deals, phar­ma doesn’t have a di­rect tie, but CMI Me­dia Group re­searchers and lead­ers be­lieve that women’s health is hav­ing a mo­ment — whether dri­ven by Bar­bie-in­spired em­pow­er­ment or con­cerns about new leg­is­la­tion around women’s re­pro­duc­tive care. Phar­ma mar­keters should be pay­ing at­ten­tion as not on­ly women ad­vo­cate for bet­ter health­care, treat­ments and rep­re­sen­ta­tion, but al­so some al­lied in­vestors, pa­tient groups and com­peti­tors.

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