Cardiff’s stock jumps after sharing promising PhII data for its PLK1 inhibitor in pancreatic cancer

Cardiff On­col­o­gy saw its stock rise af­ter it an­nounced pos­i­tive Phase II da­ta from its PLK1 in­hibitor on­va­nsert­ib in sec­ond-line metasta­t­ic pan­cre­at­ic duc­tal ade­no­car­ci­no­ma (mP­DAC), spurring plans for an in­ves­ti­ga­tor-led tri­al in first-line treat­ment.

The San Diego-based com­pa­ny’s stock price $CRDF rose by 25% post-mar­ket to $2.03 in re­sponse to the Tues­day up­date, eas­ing to about $1.70 on Wednes­day.

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