CARGO Therapeutics heads to Nasdaq in first CAR-T cell therapy IPO pitch of 2023

A can­cer cell ther­a­py biotech that emerged just nine months ago with $200 mil­lion and a Phase I tri­al al­ready un­der­way will test the pub­lic mar­kets just weeks ahead of an ex­pect­ed hol­i­day pause on ini­tial pub­lic of­fer­ings.

CAR­GO Ther­a­peu­tics, born out of the work of Stan­ford CAR-T leader Crys­tal Mack­all, un­veiled its ini­tial Nas­daq IPO plans on Fri­day night. It marks the first CAR-T cell ther­a­py start­up to test an IPO this year. CAR­GO ex­pects to list un­der the tick­er CRGX and use the pro­ceeds main­ly for Phase II stud­ies of its CD22-tar­get­ed CAR-T cell ther­a­py.

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