Catalent details revenue downturn, staff cuts as it looks forward to a brighter 2024

Catal­ent’s lat­est SEC fil­ings added de­tail to the mag­ni­tude of the man­u­fac­tur­er’s 2023 rev­enue down­turn, head­count re­duc­tions and the im­pact of re­duced de­mand on its fa­cil­i­ties. On­ly a few weeks ago, the CD­MO reaf­firmed its full fis­cal 2024 guid­ance in a sig­nal that its fi­nan­cial health might be on the mend.

Af­ter sev­er­al de­lays, the CD­MO on Fri­day re­leased both its an­nu­al re­port cov­er­ing the 2023 fis­cal year end­ing June 30 and its quar­ter­ly re­port cov­er­ing Ju­ly to Sep­tem­ber this year.

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