Catalent, which is being acquired by Novo, reports 10% drop in second-quarter revenue

Four days af­ter No­vo Hold­ings an­nounced plans to buy Catal­ent for $16.5 bil­lion, the CD­MO re­vealed its fi­nan­cial health in its fis­cal sec­ond quar­ter.

Catal­ent said Fri­day that its rev­enue dropped 10% to $1.03 bil­lion in the three months end­ing De­cem­ber last year, in con­trast to the $1.15 bil­lion re­port­ed in the same pe­ri­od in 2022. Ex­clud­ing Covid-19 rev­enue, rev­enue rose 8% in the sec­ond quar­ter of 2024, com­pared to the sec­ond quar­ter of 2023.

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