CDC encourages fall flu vaccinations to tame symptom severity in ‘Wild to Mild’ campaign

The CDC is aim­ing to re­set con­sumer ex­pec­ta­tions about flu vac­cines in a new dig­i­tal ad cam­paign af­ter its re­search found wide­spread mis­per­cep­tion that they don’t work.

The “Wild to Mild” ef­fort cen­ters on the fact that the flu vac­cine can mit­i­gate symp­toms even if it’s not com­plete­ly ef­fec­tive at pre­vent­ing in­fec­tion. The ad copy reads: “A flu vac­cine can take flu from WILD to mild” and shows wild an­i­mals jux­ta­posed with cute and cud­dly ones to high­light CDC’s point.

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