‘Cell therapy without cells’: Capstan raises $175M to test in vivo CAR-T

Lau­ra Shawver pic­tures a world 10 years from now where cell ther­a­pies are re­placed by in vi­vo CAR-T prod­ucts. The goal is a cheap­er-to-pro­duce, less com­plex and more ac­ces­si­ble cell ther­a­py.

On Wednes­day, her San Diego-based start­up Cap­stan Ther­a­peu­tics an­nounced a $175 mil­lion Se­ries B, with back­ing from six large phar­ma com­pa­nies or their ven­ture arms, in­clud­ing John­son & John­son In­no­va­tion (al­so known as JJDC), Bris­tol My­ers Squibb, Eli Lil­ly, Leaps by Bay­er, No­var­tis Ven­ture Fund and Pfiz­er Ven­tures.

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