Celldex’s CSU drug could challenge a Novartis candidate after PhII

Celldex Ther­a­peu­tics’ an­ti-KIT an­ti­body hit the pri­ma­ry end­point in a mid-stage test in chron­ic spon­ta­neous ur­ticaria, with some an­a­lysts de­scrib­ing the da­ta as bet­ter than a No­var­tis ther­a­py that’s fur­ther ahead in de­vel­op­ment.

Celldex’s Phase II tri­al set three dos­es of bar­zolvolimab against place­bo in 208 pa­tients with chron­ic spon­ta­neous ur­ticaria (CSU) who were symp­to­matic de­spite an­ti­his­t­a­mine treat­ment, in­clud­ing some who were re­frac­to­ry to bi­o­log­ics such as No­var­tis and Genen­tech’s Xo­lair. There are cur­rent­ly no ap­proved treat­ments for pa­tients whose dis­ease is not con­trolled by Xo­lair.

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