Century Therapeutics nabs Bristol Myers alum as CEO; Enhertu star Daiichi Sankyo makes changes in Europe

Cen­tu­ry Ther­a­peu­tics an­nounced the de­par­ture of CEO La­lo Flo­res in April, and the Philadel­phia cell ther­a­py biotech has found his suc­ces­sor. Brent Pfeif­f­en­berg­er just spent the last two years as COO of Neo­gene Ther­a­peu­tics, the US/Dutch TCR spe­cial­ist that’s now a sub­sidiary of As­traZeneca, and he led the US on­col­o­gy busi­ness at the tail end of an 18-year ca­reer with Bris­tol My­ers Squibb. Chaired by ex-No­var­tis chief Joe Jimenez, Cen­tu­ry elim­i­nat­ed 25% of its staff in Jan­u­ary and brought back Hy Lev­it­sky as pres­i­dent of R&D in ad­di­tion to the CEO change. In­ter­im chief ex­ec­u­tive Greg Rus­sot­ti will now be chief tech­nol­o­gy and man­u­fac­tur­ing of­fi­cer.

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