CEPI puts $25M into Rift Valley fever vaccine; Gates invests in AI for scientists in Africa in equity bid

Plus, Ole­ma and No­var­tis up­date an agree­ment for a breast can­cer tri­al, and Roche shares long-term da­ta for Vabysmo in mac­u­lar ede­ma.

CEPI puts $25M in­to vac­cine for Rift Val­ley fever: The Coali­tion for Epi­dem­ic Pre­pared­ness In­no­va­tion is giv­ing $25.9 mil­lion to Wa­genin­gen Biovet­eri­nary Re­search to ad­vance a live-at­ten­u­at­ed vac­cine for Rift Val­ley fever in­to a Phase I/IIa tri­al. CEPI said Tues­day that heavy rain and flood­ing are linked to out­breaks of the virus, which is pri­mar­i­ly spread by mos­qui­toes in sub-Sa­ha­ran Africa. “A RVF vac­cine will con­tribute to pre­pared­ness for po­ten­tial virus emer­gence in yet un­af­fect­ed re­gions like Eu­rope,” WB­VR’s Paul Wichgers Schreur said in a state­ment.  — Jaimy Lee

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