Check Out These Hispanic Physicians and Physicians-to-Be on TikTok

Despite only 6% of physicians identifying as Hispanic, these TikTok creators have carved a wide lane for themselves in the medfluencer world. Many are outspoken advocates seeking to uplift other Hispanics with dreams of pursuing medicine. Follow these channels for a daily dose of inspiration, educational content, or simply to watch physicians perform trendy dances.

Leslie Gonzalez, DO @drlesliegonzalez

Gonzalez is a family medicine resident and the founder and CEO of Latinx en Medicina, a digital platform for Latinx medical professionals. Her TikTok videos provide a window into her personal life, and she posts content in both Spanish and English.

Daisy Sanchez, MD @thedaisysanchez

Sanchez is a Miami-based 5th-year general surgery resident. Often stuck with 24-hour shifts, Sanchez shares how she gets through them and how she spends her free time. Follow her channel for day-in-the-life style videos, skincare routines, and more.

Ever Arias, MD @everariasmd

Arias is a pulmonary and critical care fellow with an informative TikTok channel. He reacts to short clips relating to medical topics — such as parasites in raw fish, or chiropractic adjustments — and uses the opportunity to educate his audience on the subject.

Ali Rodriguez, MD @alirodmd

“The Latina Doc” is an ob/gyn who makes videos about pregnancy and women’s health, often answering questions from her viewers. Most recently, she has been documenting her own experience through pregnancy.

Tabhata Paulet @latinamdtobe

Currently a third-year medical student at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Paulet’s channel is full of advice for others pursuing medicine, and she shares what it’s like to be a first-generation Latina medical student.

Diego Barragan, MD @dm_barragan7

From instructional videos on sutures to satirical healthcare skits, Barragan is an orthopedic surgery resident and self-described “bone doctor with a sense of humor.”

Cathy Garcia-Torres, MD @cathycoolbeans

A Chicago-based ob/gyn resident, Garcia-Torres posts fun and engaging videos with lots of music overlays. Scroll her channel to see her journey from medical school to residency, or to join her for an impromptu Beyoncé concert.

Santiago Gudiño-Rosales @santygudino

Currently in medical school at UCLA, Gudiño-Rosales chronicles his journey in medicine through TikTok. His content is both funny and inspiring, calling on disadvantaged youth to not give up on their dreams of becoming doctors.

Paulina Perez, MD @medspouse

Perez is a pediatric cardiology fellow who posts educational videos in both English and Spanish. Her channel might be of particular interest to new (or soon-to-be) parents, as she often discusses topics relating to the health of newborns.

Jhaimy Fernandez, MD @jhaimyfernandez

A Los-Angeles-based family medicine resident, Fernandez is a leader in digital health equity, seeking to empower those from underserved communities. Follow her channel to learn more about technology’s role in healthcare and join her for conferences such as HLTH and LAMedTechWeek.

  • Brendan Murphy is an Editorial Assistant for MedPage Today. He is based in Buffalo, NY.

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