Chemomab changes CEOs, suspends mid-stage trial; Ex-FDA vaccine official lends more help to Mesoblast

→ There’s a shake­up at the top of Chemomab Ther­a­peu­tics as the Is­raeli biotech halts the start of a Phase II study to save cash. In moves that took ef­fect on June 1, co-founder and CSO Adi Mor is run­ning it back as CEO, re­plac­ing Dale Pfost, and VP of fi­nance Si­gal Fat­tal has been pro­mot­ed to CFO. Both Pfost and ex-fi­nance chief Don Mar­vin were col­leagues at Or­chid Bio­sciences and Lo­do Ther­a­peu­tics. To round out these changes, Eli­raz Ven­tures gen­er­al part­ner and for­mer Or­biMed Is­rael ven­ture part­ner Nis­sim Darvish has suc­ceed­ed Pfost as chair­man.

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