CHMP recommends AbbVie’s migraine drug, GSK’s anemia treatment

The EMA’s Com­mit­tee for Med­i­c­i­nal Prod­ucts for Hu­man Use (CHMP) rec­om­mend­ed this week that the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion au­tho­rize two new treat­ments for mi­graine and chron­ic kid­ney dis­ease-as­so­ci­at­ed ane­mia.

The com­mit­tee grant­ed a pos­i­tive rec­om­men­da­tion to Ab­b­Vie’ Qulip­ta, known in Eu­rope as Aquip­ta, to pre­vent mi­graines in adults with at least four “mi­graine days” in a month. Ab­b­Vie VP of neu­ro­science de­vel­op­ment Dawn Carl­son told End­points News that CHMP’s opin­ion was based on two Phase III stud­ies test­ing 60 mg of the drug, al­so known as ato­gepant, once dai­ly.

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