Cigna bets on virtual mental healthcare, and will avoid ‘commodity’ digital offerings

Last week’s an­nounce­ment by Cigna that it plans to sig­nif­i­cant­ly ex­pand its on­line be­hav­ioral health of­fer­ings is a sig­nal of where the health in­sur­er is go­ing — and where it’s not.

On Thurs­day, the com­pa­ny said it would add more than 1,000 men­tal health ser­vices providers as it opens up what it’s call­ing the Ever­north Be­hav­ioral Care Group. It will of­fer the ser­vice to rough­ly 6 mil­lion mem­bers in six states and DC, adding to an ex­ist­ing of­fer­ing through MDLive.

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