Clade Therapeutics cuts staff and appears to shut down European subsidiary

Clade Ther­a­peu­tics, which is de­vel­op­ing off-the-shelf cell ther­a­pies, has dis­missed a num­ber of staffers in the US and Eu­rope, ac­cord­ing to so­cial me­dia posts made by em­ploy­ees and a top ex­ec­u­tive at the com­pa­ny.

“Yes­ter­day, at Clade we went through the painful process of a ‘re­duc­tion in force’ and part­ed ways with many of our valu­able col­leagues,” chief busi­ness of­fi­cer and co-founder Jim Glasheen wrote in his LinkedIn post sev­er­al days ago.

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