Claris raises $57M in Series A as it awaits key trial readout on eye drug

Claris an­nounced a $57 mil­lion Se­ries A on Thurs­day morn­ing as it launched from stealth. The Jer­sey City biotech is work­ing on an eye drug based on in­ves­ti­ga­tions by Har­vard re­searchers.

The treat­ment is a so­lu­tion of re­com­bi­nant hu­man vari­ant he­pa­to­cyte growth fac­tor, or dHGF, which Claris be­lieves can “ac­cel­er­ate and im­prove” heal­ing of the cornea, the out­er­most clear tis­sue cov­er­ing the front of the eye.

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