Co-founded by David Baker, Vilya rings in a permanent CEO; Allogene names Eric Schmidt’s CFO successor

→ Ex-Ole­ma On­col­o­gy chief Cyrus Har­mon has resur­faced as CEO of Vilya, a Seat­tle-based macro­cy­cle biotech from David Bak­er’s lab that raised a $50 mil­lion Se­ries A last Au­gust. Har­mon co-found­ed Ole­ma in 2007 and he moved in­to the role of chief tech­nol­o­gy of­fi­cer when Sean Bo­hen was hired as CEO three years ago. He then shift­ed to chief re­search of­fi­cer un­til Ole­ma re­struc­tured in March and laid off about 25% of its staff. CBO Kin­ney Horn joined Har­mon on the chop­ping block, al­though Har­mon is still on Ole­ma’s board of di­rec­tors. For­mer Bris­tol My­ers Squibb ex­ec Nick Mean­well and Ar­rakis chief in­no­va­tion of­fi­cer Jen­nifer Pet­ter are part of Vilya’s sci­en­tif­ic ad­vi­so­ry board.

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