Coherus exits TIGIT deal with Junshi, three months after Surface Oncology buyout

Co­herus Bio­Sciences is walk­ing away from a three-year TIG­IT pact with Shang­hai Jun­shi Bio­sciences, sev­er­al months af­ter it ac­quired Sur­face On­col­o­gy and its TIG­IT drug.

Co­herus de­liv­ered a no­tice of ter­mi­na­tion to Jun­shi on Jan. 10, ac­cord­ing to an SEC fil­ing. The duo’s re­la­tion­ship dates back to 2021, when Co­herus paid $150 mil­lion up­front to li­cense US and Cana­di­an rights to Jun­shi’s an­ti-PD-1 drug, tori­pal­imab. As part of that deal, the biotech al­so got an op­tion for Jun­shi’s TIG­IT-tar­get­ing an­ti­body, JS006.

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