Competitor manufacturers could benefit from Novo’s acquisition of Catalent, Siegfried CEO says

Phar­ma com­pa­nies could turn away from Catal­ent on the back of its $16.5 bil­lion ac­qui­si­tion by No­vo Hold­ings, which would al­low for fu­ture op­por­tu­ni­ties for oth­er CD­MOs, Siegfried CEO Wolf­gang Wien­and said dur­ing its earn­ings call with in­vestors this morn­ing.

“Our as­sump­tion is that No­vo Nordisk didn’t ac­quire the three sites in or­der to be­come a CD­MO but rather for [its] own ca­pac­i­ties for [its] own prod­ucts,” Wien­and not­ed. No­vo Nordisk will ab­sorb three man­u­fac­tur­ing sites from No­vo Hold­ings for $11 bil­lion to pro­duce its block­buster GLP-1 prod­ucts. Catal­ent has 47 oth­er sites.

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