Consumer trust in physicians and pharma is up, but lower for employers and biotech

Trust in the phar­ma in­dus­try is up among con­sumers, but slipped for the biotech sec­tor in an un­usu­al flip of sen­ti­ment about the two in­dus­tries, ac­cord­ing to Edel­man’s an­nu­al Trust Barom­e­ter re­search.

Con­sumer trust in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try rose five points to 54%, while trust in biotech and life sci­ences dipped two points to 56%, com­pared to a year ago.

But that’s not the on­ly switch this year. The re­view al­so found that health­care providers made a come­back as trust­ed sources, with a 10% in­crease year-over-year. How­ev­er, em­ploy­ers and busi­ness­es both fell 9% when con­sumers were asked about their im­por­tance in keep­ing peo­ple healthy.

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