Contineum Therapeutics files for IPO with MS drug in Phase II

Clin­i­cal-stage biotech Con­tineum Ther­a­peu­tics, which un­til re­cent­ly went by the name Pipeline Ther­a­peu­tics, on Fri­day re­vealed plans to go pub­lic un­der the Nas­daq tick­er $CT­NM.

The biotech’s drug PIPE-307 is be­ing stud­ied in pa­tients with re­laps­ing-re­mit­ting mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis, or RRMS. It’s in Phase II, fit­ting the pro­file of IPO that in­vestors have been seek­ing af­ter two dis­mal years of new en­trants to the mar­ket.

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