Corcept loses patent fight with Teva over Cushing’s syndrome drug

Cor­cept Ther­a­peu­tics lost its patent in­fringe­ment law­suit against Te­va Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals over its Cush­ing’s syn­drome drug Ko­r­lym af­ter a New Jer­sey judge ruled in Te­va’s fa­vor.

Cor­cept brought the suit against Te­va, claim­ing that the Is­raeli drug­mak­er’s gener­ic ver­sion of the drug in­fringed on two Cor­cept patents that cov­er meth­ods of safe­ly ad­min­is­ter­ing Ko­r­lym (mifepri­s­tone) with drugs that are strong CYP3A4 in­hibitors. The FDA ap­proved Te­va’s gener­ic in 2020.

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