Cormorant nears the close of fifth private healthcare fund as biotech industry sees greener pastures

Cor­morant As­set Man­age­ment has been on a tear late­ly.

The Boston-based firm plans to close its fifth pri­vate health­care fund this month, founder Bi­hua Chen said. The firm has reached its $400 mil­lion tar­get for the fund, Chen told End­points News on Fri­day.

The in­vest­ment firm, a lit­tle over a decade old, has tak­en part in mul­ti­ple megarounds for biotechs in re­cent weeks for a va­ri­ety of ar­eas (epilep­sy cell ther­a­py, on­col­o­gy small mol­e­cules, plus a mus­cle-pre­serv­ing weight loss com­bi­na­tion treat­ment) and suc­cess­ful­ly brought its sec­ond spe­cial pur­pose ac­qui­si­tion com­pa­ny on­to the Nas­daq when many oth­er in­vestors backed away.

Endpoints News

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