Corrected: Experts to decide within a year whether to recommend Duchenne muscular dystrophy for newborn screening

An ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee has post­poned its de­ci­sion to de­cide whether Duchenne mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy should be in­clud­ed in a fed­er­al­ly-rec­om­mend­ed new­born screen­ing pan­el for up to one year, Par­ent Project Mus­cu­lar Dy­s­tro­phy an­nounced Thurs­day.

The next ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tees will con­vene Aug. 8 and 9, and Nov. 14 and 15.

Par­ent Project Mus­cu­lar Dy­s­tro­phy (PP­MD) — a Duchenne pa­tient ad­vo­ca­cy group — sub­mit­ted the nom­i­na­tion pack­age to add Duchenne mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy to the Rec­om­mend­ed Uni­form Screen­ing Pan­el, or RUSP for short. The pan­el is a list of dis­or­ders that the US De­part­ment of Health and Hu­man Ser­vices rec­om­mends for new­born screen­ing.

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