Corrected: Kentucky takes PBMs to court over ‘outrageous’ insulin prices

Ken­tucky is su­ing sev­er­al phar­ma­cy ben­e­fit man­agers, adding them to an ex­ist­ing suit against in­sulin mak­ers and ac­cus­ing them of vi­o­lat­ing mul­ti­ple con­sumer rights laws re­gard­ing the price of in­sulin.

In a case brought for­ward in Ken­tucky’s Franklin Cir­cuit Court on Wednes­day, the state’s At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Daniel Cameron added PBM gi­ants Op­tum­Rx, Ex­press Scripts and CVS Care­mark as de­fen­dants in an on­go­ing case that in­cludes in­sulin man­u­fac­tur­ers. Ken­tucky pre­vi­ous­ly sued No­vo Nordisk, Eli Lil­ly and Sanofi in 2019.

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