Corrected: Prime Medicine partners with Versant-backed biotech to develop safer stem cell transplants

Prime Med­i­cine and Cimeio Ther­a­peu­tics are part­ner­ing to de­vel­op gene-edit­ed stem cell treat­ments for two kinds of bone mar­row can­cers and oth­er po­ten­tial ge­net­ic dis­eases, such as Gauch­er syn­drome and Hurler syn­drome.

Fi­nan­cial terms were not dis­closed. As part of the deal, Prime will be de­vel­op­ing a gene ed­i­tor for CD117, an anti­gen found on many kinds of cells, both healthy and can­cer­ous. With the gene ed­i­tor, Cimeio hopes to cre­ate stem cell trans­plants which can be paired with im­munother­a­pies. Cur­rent­ly, pa­tients have to re­ceive very in­tense con­di­tion­ing with chemora­di­a­tion to kill off the cells in their bone mar­row be­fore they can get a stem cell trans­plant.

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