Crinetics’ stock jumps following promising Ph2 data in four patients with rare genetic disorder

Cri­net­ics Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals shared Phase 2 da­ta in­ves­ti­gat­ing atumel­nant in pa­tients with con­gen­i­tal adren­al hy­per­pla­sia that showed the drug re­duced bio­mark­ers of the dis­ease.

The da­ta, re­leased ear­li­er than ex­pect­ed ahead of the En­docrine So­ci­ety’s an­nu­al meet­ing, are lim­it­ed. Of the 10 pa­tients en­rolled and dosed, the com­pa­ny shared da­ta for on­ly four pa­tients.

Cri­net­ics’ stock $CRNX jumped about 6% on Wednes­day fol­low­ing the ab­stract’s re­lease.

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