CRO Fortrea ‘disputes the accuracy’ of Acelyrin’s claims about immunology drug trial conduct

Af­ter Ace­lyrin said that a con­tract re­search or­ga­ni­za­tion and its ven­dor made “clin­i­cal tri­al ex­e­cu­tion er­rors” in a study of the biotech’s lead im­munol­o­gy treat­ment can­di­date, the CRO has re­spond­ed and is push­ing back against some of the claims.

North Car­oli­na-based Fortrea, a large, decades-old CRO that re­cent­ly spun out of Lab­corp, said in an SEC fil­ing on Wednes­day that it “dis­putes the ac­cu­ra­cy of state­ments that ACE­LYRIN has made and the char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of those state­ments in sub­se­quent me­dia re­ports.”

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