CureVac releases mixed interim Phase 2 data for seasonal flu vaccine

Cure­Vac’s sea­son­al flu vac­cine boost­ed an­ti­body titers in in­fluen­za A strains but it missed the mark in in­fluen­za B in a Phase 2 tri­al.

The mR­NA biotech, which is de­vel­op­ing the vac­cine with GSK, on Thurs­day an­nounced the in­ter­im da­ta from the on­go­ing tri­al. Its stock $CVAC was up about 1.5%, trad­ing at $2.95.

Cure­Vac said the titers gen­er­at­ed by its vac­cine can­di­date ex­ceed­ed the titers from the com­par­i­son vac­cine against in­fluen­za A strains across all dose lev­els.

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