CureVac to cut costs, starts GSK-partnered bird flu vaccine trial

Cure­Vac, once a play­er in the Covid-19 vac­cine race, an­nounced that it plans to re­duce costs across the com­pa­ny.

It said Wednes­day that it en­act­ed in March a pro­gram for em­ploy­ees to vol­un­tar­i­ly leave the com­pa­ny, with a goal of cut­ting 150 po­si­tions from its work­force. The news was first re­port­ed last month by Ger­man news out­let SWR. Cure­Vac cur­rent­ly has more than 1,100 em­ploy­ees, ac­cord­ing to the an­nu­al re­port.

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