CymaBay meets primary, key secondary endpoints in PhIII liver trial

CymaBay Ther­a­peu­tics’ lead can­di­date met the pri­ma­ry end­point and key sec­ondary end­points in a Phase III tri­al for a liv­er dis­ease, set­ting the stage for the biotech to pur­sue ap­proval of a drug that failed to ad­vance as a treat­ment for NASH.

The com­pa­ny on Thurs­day re­vealed the re­sults from the RE­SPONSE tri­al, which looked at se­ladel­par in pri­ma­ry bil­iary cholan­gi­tis (PBC), an au­toim­mune dis­ease in the liv­er that even­tu­al­ly de­stroys the body’s bile ducts.

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