Daiichi’s long feud with Indian billionaire brothers now involves lawsuit seeking $131M damages

Dai­ichi Sankyo is ready to de­fend it­self in court af­ter Asia’s largest pri­vate health­care group filed a law­suit al­leg­ing that Dai­ichi un­law­ful­ly in­ter­fered with its busi­ness ac­tiv­i­ties. The plain­tiff is seek­ing more than 20 bil­lion yen ($131 mil­lion) in dam­ages.

The Japan­ese phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny has been in a long-stand­ing con­flict with the bil­lion­aire co-founders of an In­di­an hos­pi­tal net­work that the plain­tiff — IHH Health­care Berhad — tried to buy shares of five years ago. On Nov. 13, IHH sub­mit­ted a com­plaint against Dai­ichi at the Tokyo Dis­trict Court con­nect­ed with the botched ac­qui­si­tion at­tempt.

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