Danco to SCOTUS: Abortion pill restrictions could ‘destabilize the pharmaceutical industry’

Dan­co Lab­o­ra­to­ries, a man­u­fac­tur­er of the abor­tion pill mifepri­s­tone, told the Supreme Court on Tues­day that re­strict­ing use of the med­ica­tion would cause “tremen­dous harm” to women.

The com­pa­ny pe­ti­tioned the high court in Sep­tem­ber along­side the US De­part­ment of Jus­tice to re­verse a Fifth Cir­cuit de­ci­sion that would lim­it mifepri­s­tone’s use to con­di­tions that ex­ist­ed be­fore the FDA loos­ened some of its reg­u­la­tions in 2016 and 2021. Those changes have al­lowed the drug to be dis­trib­uted by mail, low­ered the re­quire­ment for in-per­son clin­i­cal vis­its, and ex­tend­ed how late in­to preg­nan­cy a pa­tient may take the drug from sev­en weeks to 10.

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