Deborah Birx enters new phase as biotech CEO; Verastem chief announces his retirement

→ Af­ter en­ter­ing the pub­lic con­scious­ness with the White House Coro­n­avirus Task Force and em­bark­ing on a sub­se­quent book tour, Deb­o­rah Birx has re­placed Bri­an Var­num as CEO of Ar­ma­ta Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, a Cal­i­for­nia biotech de­vel­op­ing bac­te­rio­phages. Con­cur­rent with Birx’s ap­point­ment, Ar­ma­ta al­so picked up $25 mil­lion in fund­ing through a sub­sidiary of In­no­vi­va, where Birx had a seat on the board of di­rec­tors be­fore join­ing Ar­ma­ta. Birx was a main­stay with then-NI­AID Di­rec­tor An­tho­ny Fau­ci in White House press brief­in­gs at the height of the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic.

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