Deciphera had another bidder before Ono deal; Bristol Myers reports Ph3 fail in lung cancer

Plus, news about OnKure:

De­ci­phera’s oth­er bid­der: Be­fore its ac­qui­si­tion by Ono Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, De­ci­phera had one oth­er bid­der that of­fered $19.00 per share, ac­cord­ing to a new SEC fil­ing. In to­tal, De­ci­phera reached out to 23 com­pa­nies to gauge buy­out in­ter­est. Ul­ti­mate­ly, De­ci­phera was ac­quired by Ono for $25.60 per share in April. — Max Gel­man

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb re­ports lung can­cer fail­ure: The Phase 3 tri­al was test­ing Op­di­vo plus chemo, fol­lowed by ei­ther Op­di­vo and Yer­voy or Op­di­vo alone, against chemo fol­lowed by As­traZeneca’s Imfinzi in pre­vi­ous­ly un­treat­ed pa­tients with stage 3 non-small cell lung can­cer whose tu­mors can’t be sur­gi­cal­ly re­moved. The pri­ma­ry end­point, which was not achieved, was pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival. — Max Gel­man

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