Deciphera says its drug for rare joint tumor succeeded in a PhIII study, will submit to FDA

De­ci­phera Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ ex­per­i­men­tal treat­ment for tenosyn­ovial gi­ant cell tu­mor passed a piv­otal study, set­ting the biotech up to go for its sec­ond drug ap­proval.

In the Phase III MO­TION study, 123 pa­tients who were not rec­om­mend­ed to re­ceive surgery re­ceived ei­ther vim­sel­tinib twice a week or place­bo. Af­ter 24 weeks, 40% of pa­tients who re­ceived vim­sel­tinib saw their tu­mors shrink by at least 30%, com­pared to none of the pa­tients in the place­bo arm.

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