Deck the halls with resignations: LianBio CEO, CFO out; CRISPR Therapeutics CMO to leave in January

→ On Dec. 16, Yizhe Wang turned in his res­ig­na­tion as CEO of Lian­Bio, while board mem­ber and Per­cep­tive chief in­vest­ment of­fi­cer Adam Stone will grab the reins on an in­ter­im ba­sis. The C-suite over­haul con­tin­ued on Tues­day when fi­nance chief Yi Lar­son al­so re­signed, trig­ger­ing an­oth­er in­ter­im ap­point­ment as head of glob­al fi­nance Mag­gie Gu han­dles CFO re­spon­si­bil­i­ties. Per­cep­tive’s Chi­na play is fac­ing an un­cer­tain fu­ture de­spite its rea­son­ably strong cash po­si­tion. Kevin Tang’s shell com­pa­ny Con­cen­tra Bio­sciences made an un­so­licit­ed of­fer to buy Lian­Bio that has since been re­buffed. Lian­Bio has hint­ed at pro­vid­ing more de­tails about its strate­gic re­view in Q1 af­ter end­ing the li­cens­ing agree­ment with part­ner Bris­tol My­ers Squibb for Camzyos in Chi­na and oth­er Asian coun­tries.

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