Defense Department enlists Evotec to make new antibody treatments for Mpox and other poxes

The De­part­ment of De­fense will pay up to $74 mil­lion to Evotec’s Seat­tle-based sub­sidiary to de­vel­op new an­ti­body treat­ments for or­thopoxvirus­es — a cat­e­go­ry of pathogens that in­cludes Mpox, for­mer­ly known as mon­key­pox, chick­en­pox and small­pox.

Per the con­tract, Just-Evotec Bi­o­log­ics will de­vel­op new an­ti­body ther­a­peu­tics up through first-in-hu­man tri­als. Evotec CEO Wern­er Lan­thaler de­clined to dis­close how many dis­eases the deal cov­ers or what dis­eases are in­clud­ed.

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