Dexcom recruits new class of college athletes with type 1 diabetes for sponsorship deals

The ros­ter of col­lege ath­letes at Dex­com U is grow­ing as the blood sug­ar mon­i­tor­ing com­pa­ny re­cruits an­oth­er 11 play­ers for spon­sor­ships.

Now in the sec­ond year of its name, im­age, like­ness (NIL) spon­sor­ship pro­gram, Dex­com is build­ing on the suc­cess that be­gan last year with deals with 14 play­ers who had type 1 di­a­betes. Now 20 play­ers strong, the group and Dex­com will con­tin­ue to co-cre­ate and share con­tent across stu­dents’ per­son­al so­cial me­dia and Dex­com’s cor­po­rate chan­nels.

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