Diabetes and weight loss drug advertising tops $1B on strength of GLP-1 brand spending

The new class of GLP-1 drug brands is dri­ving di­a­betes and weight loss pre­scrip­tion drug ad­ver­tis­ing spend­ing, push­ing the com­bined cat­e­go­ry to more than $1 bil­lion last year, and with no end in sight for 2024.

Last year’s boost was a more than 50% in­crease over di­a­betes and weight loss drug me­dia spend­ing the pre­vi­ous year, ac­cord­ing to ad in­tel­li­gence com­pa­ny Me­di­aRadar. Four GLP-1 brands — Moun­jaro, Ozem­pic, Ry­bel­sus and We­govy  — ac­count­ed for more than $809 mil­lion of the more than $1 bil­lion spend, ac­cord­ing to Me­di­aRadar’s da­ta. The re­main­ing spend­ing came from oth­er pre­scrip­tion di­a­betes brands.

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