Disc Medicine claims PhII win for repurposed ex-Roche drug in rare blood disorder

When Disc Med­i­cine closed a $62.5 mil­lion raise led by Bain Cap­i­tal ear­li­er this year, the biotech’s CEO John Quisel point­ed to the stream of clin­i­cal read­outs in blood dis­or­ders it is ex­pect­ing as the im­pe­tus.

Now, it’s out­lin­ing the first of those da­ta — with an open-la­bel Phase II tri­al pro­vid­ing what it calls the first clin­i­cal ev­i­dence sup­port­ing its lead can­di­date in a rare dis­ease that makes pa­tients ex­tra-sen­si­tive to sun­light, re­sult­ing in ex­treme pain.

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