Diversity of Humira biosimilar launches reveals the difficulty of dethroning AbbVie’s megablockbuster

San­doz, Boehringer In­gel­heim, Sam­sung and oth­ers are now tak­ing their shot at Ab­b­Vie’s megablock­buster Hu­mi­ra, with launch­es of their biosim­i­lars on Sat­ur­day, and myr­i­ad ap­proach­es to take mar­ket share that Ab­b­Vie has so far de­fend­ed well against.

Boehringer, which is the on­ly com­pa­ny with an in­ter­change­able biosim­i­lar on the mar­ket so far, con­firmed that the low­est-cost ver­sion of its in­ter­change­able won’t launch un­til next year, and the ver­sion that launched on Ju­ly 1 is priced with on­ly a slight dis­count to Hu­mi­ra.

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