DNA sequencing firm PacBio to lay off workers and shutter San Diego office

Pa­cif­ic Bio­sciences is let­ting go of 190 em­ploy­ees, ac­cord­ing to the com­pa­ny, as part of cost-cut­ting mea­sures af­ter dis­ap­point­ing sales of its DNA se­quencers.

The com­pa­ny em­ployed just un­der 800 em­ploy­ees at the start of the year, ac­cord­ing to fi­nan­cial fil­ings, and the cuts amount to al­most a quar­ter of that num­ber. The lay­offs were out­lined Mon­day in da­ta that Cal­i­for­nia com­pa­nies are re­quired to post when they in­tend to elim­i­nate roles, a law known as the Work­er Ad­just­ment and Re­train­ing No­ti­fi­ca­tion Act, or WARN.

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