Drug and biotech companies join lobbying push on China bill as scrutiny of WuXi continues

Al­most 20 bio­phar­ma and life sci­ences com­pa­nies have reg­is­tered to lob­by on a bill that could ban US com­pa­nies from work­ing with Chi­nese life sci­ences con­trac­tors, ac­cord­ing to fed­er­al records.

Since the Biose­cure Act was in­tro­duced in Jan­u­ary, most health­care com­pa­nies have steered away from pub­licly com­ment­ing on it. But as the pro­pos­al slow­ly ad­vances in Con­gress — and as the con­se­quences of a ban on WuXi Apptec, WuXi Bi­o­log­ics and ge­nomics com­pa­nies like BGI have come in­to fo­cus — com­pa­nies in re­cent months launched lob­by­ing ef­forts on the bill.

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