Drug pricing experts skeptical that Florida’s drug import plan will work

The FDA au­tho­rized a pro­gram that would al­low Flori­da to im­port cheap­er drugs from Cana­da, though drug pric­ing ex­perts say the plan is un­like­ly to suc­ceed.

Flori­da has been push­ing to get its drug im­port plan off the ground for more than three years, and it has filed mul­ti­ple law­suits against the FDA for drag­ging its feet. The state es­ti­mates that its pro­gram could save up to $180 mil­lion in the first year alone, and Gov. Ron De­San­tis has tout­ed a mas­sive ware­house “al­most the same size as an en­tire city block” that would serve as a dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ter.

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