Edgewood’s $20M Series A; Nanoscope to pursue FDA approval for eye gene therapy later this year

Plus, news about blue­bird bio, Q32 Bio and Aque­s­tive Ther­a­peu­tics:

Edge­wood On­col­o­gy’s $20M Se­ries A: The Brook­line, MA-based biotech plans to use the mon­ey to sup­port Phase 2a stud­ies in acute myeloid leukemia and tar­get­ed breast can­cer. It’s fi­nanced by Al­ta Part­ners. — Kyle LaHu­cik

Nanoscope to seek FDA ap­proval for eye gene ther­a­py: The Dal­las-based biotech said its mu­ta­tion-ag­nos­tic gene ther­a­py MCO-010 passed a Phase 2b study in re­tini­tis pig­men­tosa, sig­nif­i­cant­ly im­prov­ing vi­sion mea­sured on an eye chart at one year at both the high and low dos­es com­pared to a sham con­trol. It ex­pects to sub­mit an ap­pli­ca­tion for MCO-010 to the FDA in the sec­ond half of this year. — Lei Lei Wu

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