eGenesis brings kidney xenotransplants closer to the clinic

eGe­n­e­sis’ ge­net­i­cal­ly mod­i­fied pig kid­ney trans­plant pro­gram reached pre­clin­i­cal proof-of-con­cept in a mon­key mod­el, and the com­pa­ny is in dis­cus­sions with the FDA about what could be one of the first ever in-hu­man kid­ney xeno­trans­plant tri­als.

The US biotech said Wednes­day that it edit­ed the pig kid­neys to knock out three genes in­volved in the syn­the­sis of an­ti­bod­ies that can lead to hy­per­a­cute or­gan re­jec­tion. Sev­en hu­man trans­genes were added, and retro­virus­es na­tive to the pig genome were turned off. The re­search was pub­lished in Na­ture.

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